This results in an AI that is hard to use, cannot be depended upon to spot and engage obvious targets, and frustrating as they appear to refuse direct commands. (Spends too much time standing in firefights or refusing to move.)ĭ) AI spotting distances are not good enough for PvP battles
A major hurdle of warfare is the assumption that each player will command a squad of AI subordinates.Ī) The interface and feedback of AI command and control is non-intutive.Ĭ) AI has weak self preservation. This is hardly the first thread on this topic ( Why does no one play standard warfare missions- Superpower & When Diplomacy Fails?) but I'd like to call this topic into focus as it relates to Arma3.ġ. In fact the unpresidented scale offered in arma2-3's engine makes this one of the few games capable of delivering this kind of gameplay. I believe that warfare is one of the more exciting and inovative ideas brought to the table by BIS.